Busqueda de Expertos de PI en América Latina

Estan buscando expertos en Propiedad Intelectual en América Latina, quienes podrían colaborar de manera puntual en el desarrollo de materiales de formación e información, en contestar preguntas de PYMES Europeas sobre DPI en sus países etc.

Interesados ver requisitos

Minimum requirements:

    Education: degree in law, specialisation course in IPR
    Experience: Effectively handling IPR problems relating to Latin America for at least 2 years during the last 10 years (please specify the countries) ; providing support to businesses in strategic use of IP in business strategy
    Language skills: fluent in English and Spanish. Knowledge of other languages is appreciated: French, German, Portuguese

Potential activities to be carried out:

    First line advice to European SMEs on IPR issues in Latin America (via e-mail / telephone) in English and Spanish
    create business-oriented information and learning materials in English and Spanish
    prepare and deliver e-learning courses, webinars and face-to-face trainings in Europe and Latin America

1. Short CV - maximum of 150 words in English
2. Full CV in line with the following requirements:
- Use Europass Format - maximum 2 pages: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/documents/curriculum-vitae
- The CV should specify clearly your experience in IPR (in which field) and in which countries:
- the CV shall be signed and dated - and sent as good quality scan
- Language of the CV: English
Requisitos deben ser enviados en inglés.
enviar CV al siguiente correo electronico antes del jueves 24 de julio 2014

--->  project.management@ua.es


Difusión-Secretaría Permamente de la Red PILA